Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Last weekend my mother and I went to Cape Cod. We were supposed to go to a photography seminar, but it was cancelled, so we decided to go anyway and make our own fun.

We went to the Cape Cod National Seashore and watched a movie on the formation of Cape Cod. It was pretty interesting. We learned that the cape was made from the glaciers of the last ice age. They deposited their rocks and silt there and it formed the 'arm'.

We stayed at a nice little inn in Chatham, which is a fun town. We went shopping and had wonderful meals.

We also stopped at Nauset beach, where when I was 10, I tried to body surf and was bowled under by the waves. They were very strong and powerful and it scared me.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

This blog is not abandoned. Not a lot is going on and I can't think of what to write about. I've been making beads, taking care of the dogs and enjoying my pond while it's still liquid. After the giant frog moved in, we didn't see the baby fish for a week or so and we thought he had been eaten, but we were wrong. I'm very happy about that, because I love my fish even though I said I wouldn't get attached. It's hard not to. I'm also thinking of adding to the fishy family by buying a betta. I'm not sure why I want a fish, but I do. I had Junior for 12 years and I don't really miss being a fish mother. It's a lot of work changing the water and keeping the fish healthy. So I think I'm going to try to focus on the hard part of fish keeping and pass.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

I'm sorry that Steve Jobs is dead, but really. Do we need the tears and the memorials at the Apple store? Come on. Get over it people.