Monday, November 05, 2012

 Java going to the sea for the first time
I haven't been blogging much this year. After we went to Las Vegas in January, Java didn't seem to be doing so well. That kind of took the wind out of my sails and I had a difficult winter.

Java and me 

She eventually bounced back and did very well until July, when we found out she had pneumonia. I have never seen her so sick. She slept in her crate all day and didn't enjoy her toys like she used to. When she started playing with her toys again, I knew she was getting better. 


The Woof!Fest group picture

In September, she and I traveled to Maine for Woof!Fest 2012, a gathering of on-line friends from a Boston Terrier Forum. Java did a lot of watching from her stroller, but she had her ballie and would play with it in the room.

Java in her stroller, watching.

All these pictures are from that trip. She was doing pretty well even then. She had a lot of gusto for her meals and would stomp and bark for them.

I knew it was time to let her go when she hadn't played with her ballie in weeks, she no longer wanted her meals and she had a hard time breathing just from walking a few feet. That was the clincher.

Bobby hunting Frogs

In the meantime, Bobby has moved into top dog position. I think he's liking it. He got some new chew toys yesterday that he hadn't been allowed to have because we couldn't give them to Java. Plus last night he slept on the bed all night for the first time. He was such a good boy. He stayed curled up in the same place all night.

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